Global Missions

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Our missions ministry focuses on spreading God's love and compassion through service in both local and global communities. By partnering with organizations and engaging in outreach projects, we address real-world needs and share the gospel with those around us and abroad. Join us to make a meaningful impact and be the hands and feet of Christ in our world.

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Through global missions, our church extends aid worldwide, fostering growth and change. By supporting projects like schools, churches, and relief efforts in places like Burkina Faso, Belize and Nigeria to name a few. We positively impact communities, empowering individuals and spreading hope on a global scale.


Brazil: Luz Para Povos Church in Goiania partners with us to spread the gospel to indigenous people in northern Brazil. Together, we improve infrastructure and aim to reach 38 tribes with the gospel.

Burkina Faso: At Bible-Based Fellowship Church, we established a church in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso in 1991, leading to 11 more churches, a 700-seat sanctuary, schools, and the Rev. Arthur T. Jones Theological Center. Partnering with CREDO, we provide monthly financial support, aiding in food security, refugee relief, education, and economic empowerment.

Nigeria: Living Hope Christian Ministries offers ongoing medical services to 3000+ impoverished residents in Nigeria. Annual mission trips provide much-needed surgeries to growing communities.

World Vision-Chosen: Our partnership with World Vision helps us serve vulnerable communities worldwide. By mobilizing our congregation through initiatives like Chosen and the 6K for Water, we engage in meaningful outreach and evangelism, witnessing the Kingdom of God and providing essential support to those in need.

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